محمد علي الطاهر

وثـائـق ومراسلات وصــور




بالإضافة إلى الصور التي تزين قسم النبذة الذاتية ، تم تنسيق الصور التالية حسب تسلسلها التاريخي . https://loc.gov/search/?in=&q=Eltaher+Collection+28%Library+of+Congress&new=true&st=

1917 - Rashid Abou-Khadra
1920 - Annajah College Group Photo
1920 - Demonstration at Government House
1920 - Demonstration in Jerusalem
1920 - Demonstration in Mecca in support of Palestine
1920 - Demonstration in support of Palestine
1920 - Demonstration
1920 - Sheikh Al-Muzaffar addressing the crowd in Mecca
1920s - Haj Amin El-Husseini and Ahmad Zaki Pasha
1921 - Demonstration in Jerusalem 01
1921 - Demonstration in Jerusalem 04
1921 - Demonstration in Jerusalem against separation of Palestine from Syria
1921 - First Palestinian Delegation to London
1921 - Nimr Hamed
1921 - Syro (and Lebanese) Palestinian Congress Meeting in Geneva
1921 - Syro-Palestinian Interim Conference in Geneva 02
1921 - The Arab Palestinian Delegation
1922 - Members of the Syrian Palestinian Delegation in Geneva 01
1922 - Palestinian demonstration in Haifa 01
1922 - Palestinian demonstration in Haifa 03
1923 - Ahmad El-Emam
1925 - Founding of Al Rabeta Al Sharqeyya in Cairo
1925 - Tea Party celebrating Ashouras first year - 1925
1926 - Jaffa demolished
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