محمد علي الطاهر

وثـائـق ومراسلات وصــور




يتضمن هذا القسم تصاوير لوثائق أو مطبوعات ذات أهمية تاريتارخية أو مثيرة للذكريات للذكريات . يمكن للقارئ أن يطلع على مطبوعات إضافية تتناول تاريخ فلسطين قبل تأسيس دولة اسرائيل اعتبارا من الموقع التالي الخاص بمكتبة الكونغرس الأمريكي https://www.loc.gov/rr/amed/nes/cty/cpa/cpahome.html .
أو https://loc.gov/search/?in=&q=Eltaher+Collection+28%Library+of+Congress&new=true&st=

1897 - Jewish Iconography about the Promised Land
1917 - Balfour Declaration copy 2
1921 - Barid Al Yaum Newspaper
1921 - Call to the League of Nations
1921 - Jules Rosenheck and Kalvariskys payment to Sheikh Asaad Shoucair (Shuqayri)
1921 - Report on the State of Palestine
1922 - Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations in Mecca
1922 - Report of the Palestinian Delegation to Hijaz
1924 - An honest word for peace
1924 - Reply to the Supreme Islamic Council communique
1925 - Moussa Kazem Pasha letter 03 - reversed
1925 - Sheikh Toufiq Tahboub celebrates the birthday of King George V in Palestine 2
1926 - Eltahers letter from his uncles
1926 - Eltahers reply to his uncles letter
1927 - Anonymous Address
1930 - Donations to Palestinians - Financial Statement
1930s - Affidavit from Mohamed Daoud Al-Barazi against Ahmad Al-Shakaa
1930s - Al-Sakhra mosque in Jerusalem
1930s - Jewish Threat to Palestine
1930s - The Palestine Struggle Poems
1931 - Address by Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff
1931 - Communique from the Al-Aqsa Guardians Society
1931 - Islamic Conference Attending Countries
1931 - Islamic Conference Bylaws
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