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Postcard from Abdelaziz Al-Halabi to Eltaher. The postcard was written and sent from aboard the Japanese passenger ship “Nagoya Maru”. It was then forwarded via the Port Tawfiq Post Office, close to the city of Suez in Egypt, to Cairo on December 15, 1933.
Contents of the Postcard:
Dear Aboul-Hassan;
Greetings and regards. As you know I have written to you earlier while in Batawi (Batavia), Indonesia about my decision to travel to Japan, both for tourism and work. May God guide us and provide us with success in our work.
I am in good health, and I write to you while onboard this Japanese ship. Without exaggerating I find the people of Japan to be a good example of good manners, integrity, discipline as well as intellectual independence and sincerity towards their friends, etc. The first class fare from Batawi to Kobe covering superior accommodation and service is about 6 Pounds. As for meals, they consist of Japanese fares. It takes the ship about 15 days to make the crossing. I will meet with the Egyptian Consul in Kobe Fawzi Bey, and will write to you upon my return to Batawi on 5/1/1934.
The postal stamp on the postcard carries the name of the Dutch East Indies, which occupied the Malay as well as the Indonesian Peninsula in those days. There is also a rubber stamp affixed by the Port Tawfiq Post Office a suburb of the city of Suez in Egypt. Then the card continued its journey to Cairo.
An image of Abdelaziz El-Halabi may be seen on the Eltaher website by clicking on the following URL: http://eltaher.org/docs_photos/1933-Fouad-Hamza-reception-image62_en.html.
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