Mohamed Ali Eltaher

Documents, Correspondence & Photos





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1967 - Bechir Mhedhbi From Right to left : Loula Salman, daughter of Dr. Mohamed Hassan Salman – Béchir Mhedhbi, Tunisian ambassador to Lebanon – Mrs. Eltaher – Mr. Eltaher – Mrs. Mhedhbi, and Mrs. Badria El-Bahrani, wife of Dr. Mohamed Hassan Salman.

Dr. Salman was a minister in the short-lived government of Rashid Aali El-Keilani in Iraq in 1941. Keilani and his ministers were the leaders of a national uprising in Iraq against British occupation. But they had to flee the country with the help of the German ambassador in Baghdad Dr. Fritz Groba, and ended up seeking political asylum in Germany, which was then under Nazi rule.

Of course Keilani and his fellow insurrectionists were labeled by the British as supporters of the Nazi regime, though, with practically the whole Middle East under British rule, they had no choice at the time but seek the protection of their enemy’s enemy. They all lived World War II in Berlin and survived allied bombings until the fall of the German capital, then they went to Turkey.

Picture taken in Beirut in 1967 during a reception at the Tunisian embassy.
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