Mohamed Ali Eltaher

Documents, Correspondence & Photos





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1947 - Hassan El-Banna This picture was taken at the Continental Hotel in Cairo during the tea reception held by Mohamed Ali Eltaher in 1947 for “… a matter related to the cause of the martyred Palestine, which the Arab world abandoned along with its people to be taken over by the Jews as war booty”, as he described it in his book “Zalam El-Segn”,

Appearing from right to left: The Egyptian Minister Abdel-Rahman El-Rafei – Mohamed Ali Eltaher – Marshal Aziz Pasha El-Masri – Sheikh Hassan El-Banna, Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brothers (Wearing a European costume before donning the traditional turban) – Sheikh Ibrahim Tfayyesh, who hails from Algeria – Sheikh Mohamed Sabri Abdin – Those seated around the rear table are not identified.
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