Mohamed Ali Eltaher

Documents, Correspondence & Photos





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1946 - Aziz El-Masri, Ahmad Hussein, Ismail El-Azhari et al 1946 Tea party organized by Mohamed Ali Eltaher for the Egyptian nationalist Ahmad Hussein, publisher of “Misr Al-Fatat” newspaper and leader of the Egyptian Socialist Party at the Continental Hotel in Cairo following his return from a tour in New York in 1946.

From right to left: 1- unidentified; 2- Leader of the Moroccan Istiqlal Party Allal El-Fassi; 3- Field Marshal Aziz Ali Pasha El-Masri, former Egyptian Minister of War; 4 – Mohamed Ali Eltaher; 5- Sadeq Al-Mujaddedi, Minister Plenipotentiary of Afghanistan in Egypt; 6- The guest of honour Ahmad Hussein; 7- General Saleh Harb Pasha, Former Egyptian Minister of War; 8- Abdallah El-Jeffry, Advisor to the Sultans of Lahj (now in Yemen); 9- Mohamed Rashidi, future ambassador of Indonesia to Egypt; 10- Sudanese nationalist leader, and future Prime Minister of Sudan Ismail El-Azhari; 11- Algerian nationalist Al-Fodayyel Al-Wartalani (Standing).
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