Mohamed Ali Eltaher

Documents, Correspondence & Photos





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1945 - Group photo with Sayf El-Islam Abdallah 02 Another group photo taken in Cairo in 1945 on the occasion of a visit by Sayf El-Islam Abdallah, standing in the middle of the picture with Mohamed Ali Eltaher to his left. Behind Sayf El-Islam Abdallah are two members of his cabinet. From right to left Mohamed Abdallah Amri, whose father was Prime Minister under Imam Yahya, and next to him is Al-Hassan Bin Ibrahim, whose father was commander of the army.

Seen in the picture are: Al-Fodayyel Al-Wartalani - Sadeq Al-Mujaddedi, Minister Plenipotentiary of Afghanistan in Egypt - Kamel Kilani - Mirza Mahdi Rafi Meshki, Dean of the Iranian Community in Egypt - Zein Hassan, future ambassador of Indonesia to Egypt - Hilmi El-Ghandour - Aboul-Kheir Naguib, publisher of the daily "Al-Gomhour Al-Masri"- Ahmad Hussein - Dr. Mohamed Salaheddin Pasha, Future Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs - Unfortunately we could not recognize the others.
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