Mohamed Ali Eltaher

Documents, Correspondence & Photos





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1939 - Serageddin Pasha Shahin Reception Tea party celebrating the return of Palestine’s leaders from their British-imposed exile in the Seychelles islands. The party to which Egyptian university students were also invited was organized by Serageddin Pasha Shahin at his residence in Cairo in January 1939.

Sitting from right to left: Eltaher – Palestinian nationalist Amin Al-Tamimi – Ahmad Hilmi Pasha, one of the leaders returning from exile and future Prime Minister of the All-Palestine Government – Awni Abdel-Hadi, Palestinian nationalist and future Jordanian Minister Plenipotentiary in Egypt – Abdel-Hamid Shoman, founder of the Arab Bank – Egyptian nationalist and future Egyptian ambassador to the United Nations Mahmoud Azmi Pasha. The others are not identified.
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