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This illustrated book consisting of 286 pages was published as a conference report at the conclusion of the “Levant Women’s Conference” held under the banner of “Arab Woman and the Palestine Question”. The conference was held at the headquarters of the Egyptian Women’s Federation in Cairo from 15 to 18 October 1938.
The book was sold for one Egyptian Pound of the day, which would be roughly equivalent to one hundred pounds in today’s money. Revenue collected from its sale was dedicated to the distressed Palestinian families. A total of 200 numbered copies were printed, each personally signed by the Conference Chairwoman, the famous Egyptian women emancipation leader Mrs. Hoda Shaarawi. Introduction to the book was penned on behalf of King Farouk of Egypt by Ali Maher Pasha, Chief of the Egyptian Royal Cabinet, as well as by Imam Yehiya Hamidaddin, King of Yemen; by the secretary of King Ghazi I, King of Iraq; and by the Minister Plenipotentiary of Saudi Arabia in Egypt, Sheikh Fozan Al-Sabeq on behalf of his government.
At the top of page 2 of the book one may be able to read a rather faded dedication though with much difficulty as it was handwritten using a green ink pen. Hence we are transcribing the dedication hereafter. It was penned by Mrs. Hoda Shaarawi and addressed to Emir Shakib Arslan. It is quite likely that she may have given the book to Mr. Eltaher to hand it over to the Emir, but either Eltaher was unable to do that, or that the Emir left the book with him for some reason.
“I have the pleasure of presenting this book to His Highness Emir Shakib Arslan. The book, which is presented with my consideration and respect, reflects the struggle of Arab women in the service of the Arab cause in order to save the nation from the burden of enslavement
Signed: Hoda Shaarawi”
Some key pages from this historic book are reproduced on this page starting with the book’s cover. |
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