Mohamed Ali Eltaher

Documents, Correspondence & Photos





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1931 - Mohamed Tawfiq Diab luncheon Following a luncheon at the house of "Al-Jehad" newspaper publisher Toufic Diab in Cairo on Saturday, 21 March 1931.

Seated from right to left: Wafd Party Deputy Leader Makram Ebeid Pasha – Egyptian legal expert and future member of the Regency Council following the July 23, 1952 revolution Baheyeddin Barakat Bey – Palestinian nationalist Sheikh Abdelqader Al-Muzaffar – Tunisian nationalist leader Abdelaziz El-Thaalbi – Egyptian Prime Minister Moustafa El-Nahhas Pasha – Haj Amin Al-Husseini, Mufti of Palestine – Egyptian nationalist Hamad El-Bassel Pasha – Future Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmoud Fahmi Al-Nokrashi Pasha – Egyptian writer Wahid Bey El-Ayyoubi.

Standing from right to left: Unidentified person – the host Toufic Diab - Engineer Mohamed Hamed – Dr. Mansour Fahmy – Eltaher - The other two persons not identified.

© Photograph taken by Hanselman, Photographer to His Majesty the King of Egypt - Cairo
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