Mohamed Ali Eltaher

Documents, Correspondence & Photos





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1931 - Members of Islamic Conference at residence of Youssef Dajani 1931 Delegations to the General Islamic Conference attend a reception held by the Palestinian nationalist Youssef Al-Dajani in Jaffa in December 1931.

Right to left one can recognize: The Palestinian leader Moussa Kazem Pasha Al-Husseini - Sheikh Aboulwafa Al-Taftazani from Egypt – Mawlana Shawkat Ali, Islamic scholar from India – Haj Amin Al-Husseini, Mufti of Palestine – Eltaher – Abdel-Qahhar Muzzakkar from Indonesia – Imam Mohamed Rashid Reda, famous Islamic scholar from Tripoli, Lebanon - Abdelhamid Said, President of the Muslim youth association in Egypt.
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